First and foremost, I am a mum and a wife and I put my family first. I am not the kind of person who would go to the gym every single day. Because I have a tonne of household, maternal, family and, last but not least, business chores, I have established a training programme that does NOT require YOUR sacrifice, renunciation or a lot of time, but will keep you in form also during your pregnancy. I recommend 3 trainings per week.

During the pregnancy, it is important to maintain your sports activities but without large physical strain. Don’t forget, you carry a new life and therefore, it is important to take care of your body, since by so doing you are also taking care of the treasure inside you.
The PREGNANCY TRAINING programme is intended for pregnant women who want to maintain muscle strength also during pregnancy. It is mainly suitable for women who were active already before pregnancy.
The programme includes static exercises for muscle strength. The training is done with weights and water bottles. The Pregnancy training includes 6 trainingsconsisting of exercises for the entire body.
The speciality of this programme is that its level of difficulty decreases each week, since the burden of a pregnant woman increases each week. Therefore, the Pregnancy training programme is developed in such a manner that the intensity decreases each week. You can find the history of your trainings (number of calories burned, time spent for training, number of exercises done, etc.) for each day in the tab “Profile” of the Extreme Training® App.
The PREGNANCY TRAINING programme offers you the following:
- Muscle strengthening, better posture and less shoulder and back pain
- Effective exercises for strength, endurance and mobility
- Improvement of physical performance, stability and balance
- Better general well-being
- Greater self-confidence

As a mum and a wife, I often wonder what to cook tomorrow – that’s why I prepared 1,825 healthy meals with recipes and calculated calorie intake.
So, you will gain access to guided trainings and healthy recipes!
With just one simple click on the tab “Recipes” in the Extreme Training ® App, you will find the answer to the question what to cook tomorrow.
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